I'm tired of this page, I HATE EROME, moderators are so fucking STUPIDS (they're monkeys)

I'm tired of this page, I HATE EROME, moderators are so fucking STUPIDS (they're monkeys) #IleTMFWh
I'm tired of this page, I HATE EROME, moderators are so fucking STUPIDS (they're monkeys) #7N9shvis

#Erome #Deleted #Delete #Fuck you #Deleted content


62BlessedTheSluts95 OP All Is INAPROPIATE for them... Porn's INAPROPIATE in a porn page, right...
Cumtributelover84 Que te borraron?
Squirtler The fact that anyone can report anything for deletion and there's no recourse is pretty crazy.
Lecheandopendejas Joder amigo a mi me han borrado ya como 5 o 6 tributos dd los mejores...
