literally deleted 4 vids including 3 from kslay!

literally deleted 4 vids including 3 from kslay! #tTMXLFgj


flakypickle OP By all these vids combined had 1M+ views! Idk what to do honestly
NalagiriAtha Post on web.
flakypickle OP Is there a way to contact the mods?
Qosobsessed They won’t answer, don’t waste your time
2wife2boob Just tried that fan site but it lowkey sucks on mobile :/ appreciate the dedication Mr. Pickle
MirrorAurora OMG I viewed those the the other day and just WOWed that they are now gone. We do appreciate you flakypickle and sad this is happening
FacBur Yeah dude I'm getting hit too, this sucks
59socynical Same. My most viewed video, with the most likes, deleted after a year + later for inappropriate content smh
Shoreman Head to telegram
