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JustSomeGuyYouKnow She's really fantastic. Very soft curvy body, obviously, but has a very distinctive face -certainly proof that you can be both pretty and square-jawed (I REALLY hate that Sharp Chin Filter thing)
unbeknownst OP I agree. Honestly, it's her face more than her breasts that drew me to her. There's tons of busty Asian babes on the Internet but few that have a face like this because they mostly have "cute" faces.. I like both but this is much more unique.
unbeknownst OP @JustSomeGuyYouKnow you got me curious and I got to researching and apparently Asian women use those filters that change their bodies and face a lot. That really sucks. I hate that they feel they have to present a false image of themselves.
unbeknownst OP Cute round faces, thin faces, and more prominent/square jaws and strong powerful cheekbones are all sexy. The same goes for petite bodies, curvy bodies, muscular bodies. and they should be proud to show their true selves.
